For most functional fitness gyms, group classes are the base level of the membership hierarchy. While some gyms focus solely on classes, others substantially increase revenue with additional gym programming options.
Ultimately, results are what your members are seeking. And if they achieve success, they’re likely to stick around. Have you ever had a client get their first pull-up and put their membership on hold the next day?
With that in mind, programming plays a huge part in getting your members to those results. Unfortunately, gym programming options in group classes sometimes come with certain limits.

Whether you write your own programming or outsource it, individualized plans simply yield results faster than group classes. That’s because individualized plans consider clients’ needs, goals, lifestyle and schedule.
We’re not suggesting you do away with the group class format, but we recommend exploring multiple gym programming options. Find out what works to meet your clients’ needs and help them achieve more. This will inevitably correlate to additional revenue streams.
Five Gym Programming Options To Explore:
1. Individualized Programming.
To best illustrate the need for individualized programming, let’s look at three different hypothetical clients:
- Jenny is pregnant. Right now, she can’t fully squat to depth, lift heavy or do many of the class core movements. Yes, you and your coaches can create modifications “on the fly.” But an individual program is catered specifically to her and brings in revenue for the gym.
- John wants to get his first bar muscle-up before The Open. He shows up consistently but there’s not enough muscle-up specific work in class. He’s happy to pay for a program that he can do before class to get him there faster.
- Mark is recovering from ACL surgery, and limited in what he can do. He feels deconditioned and uncomfortable coming to classes. For now, he’d like a program that’s manageable for his current abilities.
The reasons behind people wanting individualized programming are varied. But one thing is for certain: The demand is there. It’s an easy way to help people, increase gym member retention and boost average client value.
Pro Tip: Use the PushPress Train app to communicate with clients and roll out individualized programs with video demos! Book a demo with our team today to find out more!
2. Remote Or At-Home Programming.
While most gym owners prefer in-person coaching, there’s a need for remote programming as well.
Consider that new mom who just can’t get to the gym in the mornings before work. Or what about the client who travels for work? He struggles with options he can get done in his hotel room.

Remote programming can help these clients stay more accountable to their fitness, while maintaining a personal relationship. When you keep in touch, they don’t slowly fall off the wagon and quit. Plus, there’s a direct correlation between plan cost and compliance.
Getting started is easy. Check out how Skopos Athletics rolled out a 90-day, at-home gym programming option.
3. Template-Based, Semi-Individualized Programming.
If your first thought is, ‘But programming can be so time-consuming,’ we get it. It can be. But the more you do it, the more efficient you become. And one of the simplest ways to start is with templates for endurance, weightlifting, mobility, etc.
If we use the example from above, John wants to get a bar muscle-up. Many gym programming companies sell progressions online. They’re designed for you to purchase and then sell to your clients. And they cover everything from bar muscle-ups to Olympic lifting and mobility. Clients can either complete them on their own or enlist your coaching expertise.
4. Specialty Classes And Seminars.
Specialty programs are another easy way to upsell clients and increase overall revenue. They can be designed either as an ongoing class or a one-off seminar or workshop.
Some popular examples of specialty gym programming options include barbell clubs, weighlifting classes, gymnastics seminars, mobility classes or endurance courses.
These courses could be promoted as even more specialized than the ones above. Essentially, this is a great way to speak to those who have very specific goals.

For example, an ongoing class called “Get Your First Muscle-Up” is much more specific than a “gymnastics class.” Or, “Become A Badass Rower” will draw a more highly-targeted group than an “endurance seminar.”
5. Competition Prep Programming.
Finally, programming designed specifically for competitive athletes is beneficial in several ways. First, you’re helping clients perform better. This keeps them motivated and prepared for upcoming events.
Second, these athletes understand that this is another level of programming, so they’re willing to pay for the help. This drives revenue for your gym and helps them reach their goals.
For example, if your gym emphasizes The CrossFit Open, sell a 12-week “Open Prep” package. Focus on improving conditioning and muscle endurance, both of which are heavily tested in The Open.
The same is true for Quarterfinals qualifiers. At this stage, you have clients with even more highly-targeted goals. “Quarterfinals Prep” or a program that focuses on a client’s weaknesses are great revenue opportunities.
Remember, this isn’t just limited to CrossFit competitions. Apply this to other gym programming options, creating prep programs for marathons or powerlifting. The goal is specific programming that five days of group classes can’t accomplish.
In Summary: Group Classes Are Just The Beginning
In almost every gym, there’s a segment of the community that just wants to be healthy and fit. But there’s another group that wants to get fitter and stronger, faster. The latter provides a fantastic opportunity for you: Help them reach their goals and increase revenue in the process. Consider additional gym programming options, from individualized plans to seminars and workshops. Find out what your clients need and fill that need. Then sit back and reap the benefits through increased average client value.