Before Robert Schwartz made the switch to PushPress, his gym management software quest was frustrating. Over the seven years that he’s owned All Fit Orlando in Orlando, FL, he tried quite a few options.
Schwartz started with Zen Planner, then switched to Glofox in 2019. With each switch, he was hopeful that the next one would be more effective in helping him run his fitness business. Pulling important business metrics was one of his primary requests.

“I wanted easily accessible, understandable and pertinent data that was clear,” he said. “So I could make the best decisions for my business.”
Schwartz’s secondary request was a gym branded app. He recalls now that Glofox wasn’t willing to even entertain the idea. He also remembers that the software wasn’t user-friendly. And obtaining customer support when he needed it proved to be a challenge. Ultimately, he felt stuck and unable to progress.
Switching to PushPress Gym Management Software.
Just over two years ago, Schwartz decided to give PushPress a try. And since that time, the key gym metrics at All Fit Orlando have been staggering.
First, the gym’s revenue has increased by an incredible 800 percent. Second, the membership base has doubled. And even more significantly, Schwartz’s ACV (average client value) has increased from $97 to $500.
But that’s not all. The average LEG (length of engagement) at All Fit Orlando skyrocketed from six months to two years. Further, monthly leads have increased from two or three to more than 100.
Schwartz’s business is actually doing so well after switching to PushPress that he recently decided to open a second gym location.
Four Ways PushPress Helped All Fit Orlando.
1. Tools and Tracking.
Schwartz explained that the various PushPress products have been at the heart of his growth.
PushPress Core allows him to easily access the important data he needs on a regular basis. The dashboard and reporting help him to see and understand the big picture. Plus, he can recognize and reach out to at-risk clients. He believes this has been a contributing factor for increasing gym member retention.
All Fit Orlando members love PushPress Train, seamlessly integrated into the Members’ App. It gives them the ability to track workout scores and record PRs.

Finally, Schwartz specifically credits the automated workflows in PushPress Grow for helping him nurture leads more effectively.
Pro Tip: Want to find out about PushPress solutions that can help your gym grow? Book a demo with our team today!
2. Business Growth Education in PushStart.
Schwartz also credits PushStart by PushPress helping him to be more business-savvy. PushStart is an educational platform for fitness entrepreneurs. The video courses are led by industry experts with proven track records, and designed to help you thrive in the competitive fitness industry.
PushStart courses are based on the AMPED model: Attract, Monetize, Plug-In, Expand and Delight. The PushPress team knows that running a business involves many moving parts. So the courses have been broken up into focused business elements for each stage.
One of the ways Schwartz said PushStart helped him was in adding more products and services for clients. Ultimately, this was a factor in the significant increase of his gym’s ACV.
3. Lead Generation with LASSO.
PushPress is proud to partner with other companies in the fitness industry with a shared goal of helping gym owners run better businesses. LASSO is one of those partners, and had significantly helped Schwartz with lead generation.
Founded by Sherman Merricks and Blake Ruff, LASSO creates and manages paid marketing strategies and websites for gym owners. Schwartz said the help from LASSO has been crucial to his uptick in leads.
Before switching to PushPress, he estimated his monthly lead count around two or three. After adding the Grow website, that number increased to somewhere between 10-15. Then the LASSO partnership spiked leads to an all-time high, now more than 100 per month.

4. Unmatched Customer Service.
One of Schwartz’s favorite parts of working with the PushPress team is the award-winning customer service. He said if he ever has a question or needs help, he knows he will get an immediate response.
Unlike his experience with Glofox, where he would send an email “and hope someone might reply,” times have changed. Having access to a support team comprised of gym owners helps him solve problems quickly and easily.
“I don’t remember the last time I didn’t hear back from somebody within an hour,” he noted. “Not only that, PushPress is proactive, as well. They’ll reach out just to see how everything is going, and to see if I have any feedback.”
In Summary: How PushPress has Been the Catalyst
Robert Schwartz has experienced some incredible growth after switching from Glofox to PushPress.
“I credit PushPress with my business growth,” he said. “It has - hands down - been the catalyst that has moved me from the minor leagues of gym ownership to where I am now.”
As he looks toward the future, he appreciates the fact that the company is constantly evolving to meet gym owners’ changing demands.
“There are constant innovations,” he said. “They’re always two steps ahead of me. The people who work at PushPress have the thought and the foresight to anticipate what gym owners need. And if they don’t have it yet, it’s already in the works.”
This gives Schwartz confidence that PushPress will continue to help him. Not just today and tomorrow, but well into the future.