As gym owners, we spend a lot of time, funds and energy on brand awareness and lead generation. And a lot of owners assume that’s “step one” in the sales process. However, in order to be most effective, it’s imperative that you dial in your lead nurture process.
Because if your messaging and systems are hurting your ability to convert leads into members, your marketing efforts won’t be worth your investment.

To dive into this topic, we reached out to the experts. Sherman Merricks and Blake Ruff are the co-owners of LASSO, a lead and sales system optimization company. The company specialized in creating and managing paid marketing strategies, and websites.
Today, we’re sharing the things they suggest avoiding as you refine your lead nurture messaging.
Five Things to Avoid in Lead Nurture Messaging.
1. Long Paragraphs.
Especially when it comes to gathering information about a gym, people aren’t going to read paragraphs of information. Therefore, your messaging should be short and sweet.
“This isn’t the place to give them all the information,” said Merricks. “You simply want to figure out what their problem is. And then get them to book the next step, which should be a discovery call or introductory session. If you’re writing three paragraphs, then why would they come in for more information? As they might feel like they have all the information they need.”
In other words, your messaging should pique the person’s interest just enough to book the next step.
Ruff added, “People have a shorter attention span than a goldfish—nine seconds. If it takes too many calories for their brain to read and consume what you’re saying, they will ignore it.”
A good rule of thumb is to keep your messages - and replies to theirs - to a maximum of two to three sentences.

2. Asking About CrossFit Experience.
Merricks calls this “the laziest question to ask” in a lead nurture message, and often it backfires.
What this does is create a situation where you’re getting the client to skip the sales process. In other words, the idea is that if you have CrossFit experience, you can just continue straight to class. And now you’ve put yourself in a position where you miss the opportunity to really get to know the prospective client. You won't be able to find out about their unique needs and goals, and provide solutions.
Further, as Merricks pointed out, “If someone has done CrossFit and is experienced, they will let you know.”
3. Discussing Pricing.
It can be tempting to reveal your price the first time a prospect asks for it. However, Merricks and Ruff agree that this isn’t the optimal approach to lead nurture and converting clients.
“They haven’t seen any value yet,” said Merricks. “So giving them the price isn’t a good plan, especially if that’s the first thing you send.”
Ruff added, “Giving a range, or all your prices immediately, delivers no value.”
Instead, providing an “it depends” response allows you to shift the focus of the conversation. Now, you can ask leads about the goals they’re trying to achieve. Or if they’re looking for one-on-one or group training. You could even ask about interest in nutrition coaching and personal training, or other programs. This helps you get to know what they’re looking for and tailor the experience accordingly.
“Then after they answer these questions, ask them to get on a quick call or in person consult,” Ruff said. “So you can show them the value of your service rather than them window-shopping pricing.”
4. Using Jargon or Sales-y Phrases.
Avoid using phrases like, “This is our hotline.” Ruff explained that advertising something as “our hotline,” or using other jargon, is a surefire way to get zero reply.
“People automatically know this is automated and not a real person, and this isn’t what you're after,” he said.

For PushPress Grow users, automated lead nurture workflows are already pre-written to be friendly and conversational. And you can customize them for authenticity in your brand voice.
Pro Tip: Want to learn how to save time and nurture leads effectively using the power of automation? Book a demo with the PushPress Grow team today!
5. Talking About Your Equipment.
Another big mistake is providing “random facts” about your gym’s features, said Ruff. He went on to say that there’s no need to talk about your equipment, square footage or spacious showers in your lead nuture messaging.
Instead, focus on the client. Find out about their goals, problems, hesitations, schedule and more. Then prescribe the solutions you have to help them.
“It’s like we continue to say, if you are not talking about the solution to their problem, they will go somewhere else,” said Ruff.
In Summary: Authenticity and Automation are the Keys.
When it comes to lead nurture, authenticity and automation are your most effective tools. By responding quickly, learning about your new lead and providing solutions, you can easily convert them to a new member.
Avoid long paragraphs of information or asking about previous CrossFit experience. Steer the conversation away from pricing and toward solutions. Don’t use jargon or other sales-y phrases. And refrain from talking about the random facts related to your gym.
For more tips regarding sales, marketing and lead nurture, check out this four-part series from LASSO:
- Crafting an Offer that Works to Sell New Clients
- The Importance of a CRM for Sales and Growth
- Tips from the Pros on Closing Sales
- Generate Quality Organic Leads with Paid Gym Ads