Yesterday we tied for #1 on the Crozdesk Annual Review of Fitness and Health Software Products.
Most importantly - we ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with a massive 98 out of 100 rating.
The accolades are starting to rack up for PushPress - and with good reason. We have built a team and a product that is fanatical about doing one thing:
Helping people dominate their day.
I purposefully say “people” instead of “gym owners” because it’s also about helping your clients dominate their day as well. That’s important.
Here’s To The Underdogs
We’ve long seen ourselves as the underdogs.
The team of specialists who were working for our clients in ways our competition couldn’t.
This is because our entire core team is made up of people who have extensive experience in software and business development.... but also happened to open and run a fitness studio.
That rare combination is what makes the magic of PushPress. The entirety of our competition is one or the other.
We aren’t some suits who decided fitness was a great space to make money in. We also aren’t some gym owners who decided to take a crack at building software.
We know this space. Intimately. From the chilled floors of a 5am group fitness class in the dead of winter to the depths of full stack (MODERN) application development.
For a decade we’ve worked tirelessly on the mission at hand: To help gym owners dominate their day.
We do this leveraging technology and processes to streamline operations, providing advanced insights into business, and automating mundane but important tasks to not only service clients, but delight them.
Technology is The Great Equalizer
We pride ourselves in building the team that is mission-focused on bringing the most value to our clients. In the long run, we know raising the bar will force our competitors to do so as well - which is a net win for the entire gym ownership community.
Technology like data warehousing, consumer profiling, and machine learning were once only reserved for the megacorps.
Today they are affordable and accessible to all, and we’re pioneering the movement to bring them into the boutique fitness studio management space.
Technology is the great equalizer. Every edge a billion dollar company can deploy to run their business with greater scale, predictability and insight - we seek to bring to the start-up gym.
Here’s To The Little Guys!
In this gym space, our clients are also the underdogs. There are megacorp backed fitness entities entering our space every day.
Where PushPress wins, and where our clients win are aligned. We both care more about our clients. We both are passionate about the results of our clients. We also both have a better understanding for how to get our clients there.
So from one underdog to another, we thank you very much for helping us in our mission of helping our clients dominate their day!
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