As many gym owners can attest, PushPress Grow is an incredible tool to help you run your gym. From lead generation and nurture to improving the member experience, the automated workflows save you time and make you look good!
There are actually a few workflows you might not even know about that could help your business and your community even more.
Today, we’re talking to Ben Rocha, Product Owner of PushPress Grow. He says most gym owners probably aren’t taking full advantage of the gym CRM options and potentially leaving money on the table.

Rocha wants to help. So he’s sharing the six workflows that he believes gym owners are underutilizing, and how to implement them at your gym.
PushPress Grow Workflows To Launch At Your Gym:
1. Trial Classes.
According to company data, Rocha says that approximately 50 percent of PushPress gyms offer a first trial class to a prospective client. The other half start prospects with a one-on-one consultation (or No Sweat Intro).
Of those who offer a free class, most aren’t using the correlating workflow in PushPress Grow. It’s designed to prepare the new lead for the class ahead of time and follow up afterward, Rocha explained.
For example, preparing a prospective member starts with sending them a confirmation text after they reserve the class. Next, they’ll get information about what to expect. This includes what to bring, what to wear, etc. The goal of these texts is to make the prospect comfortable about just showing up to the class.
After they attend class, Rocha explained that there’s another workflow you can set up. This one sends a text message 90 minutes after the class ends, when the experience is still fresh in their mind. At this point, they’re still feeling that post-workout satisfaction.
“That workflow is really, really powerful for people who use trials,” Rocha said. And often it makes the difference in convincing the person to sign up in that moment.
2. No Shows.
Unfortunately, no shows are a frustrating part of running a fitness business. Oftentimes, gym owners tend to feel disrespected when a prospect doesn’t show up to a trial class or intro session.
Even though the temptation is to shrug it off and never bother contacting the person again, Rocha advises against it.
The truth is, more often than not, the reason isn’t that the person doesn’t want to check out your gym. It could be that they’re scared and intimidated, and now embarrassed for not showing up. So what they need is to be told it’s okay, and nurtured to feel more comfortable.
Rocha explained there’s a workflow for no-shows that many gym owners don’t take advantage of. It can be customized with any type of messaging you feel is appropriate in attempting to get them to try again.

Ultimately, gym owners should avoid the “one strike and you’re out” mentality. By giving people the benefit of the doubt, they have a chance to redeem themselves. You never know when an automated workflow could turn a no-show into a ten-year member.
3. At-Risk Internal Notifications.
When a member hasn’t been to your gym in 10 days, PushPress Grow has an automated at-risk notification option. Meaning, the gym CRM will let you know that you should check in on this particular client.
This is huge for increasing gym member retention numbers and keeping them from churning.
But Rocha explained that while most gym owners have the notifications set up, many aren’t actually following up.
“When you get this notification, it’s important to send the client a text ASAP, which couldn’t be easier to do with Grow,” Rocha explained. “When I click on the notification, it takes me right to the conversation with that person to start a dialogue.”
In addition, dealing with each notification as it comes in keeps the nurture process from becoming overwhelming. Rocha says it “only takes 30 seconds of your time.”
And what makes this follow up even more powerful is the timing. For example, if the client usually goes to the noon class, the notification arrives around that time. Then you can follow up immediately after the noon class. When you let the client know that their absence hasn’t gone unnoticed, they’ll appreciate you thinking of them.
Ultimately, Rocha says this makes a “huge difference in saving clients and overall client retention.”
4. Inconsistent Clients.
We all have those members who are all over the map with their attendance. And while they might not be considered “high risk,” they definitely need consistent motivation to show up for class.
Rocha explained that you can set up a PushPress Grow workflow to cater specifically to these clients. The idea is to simply motivational, reminding them of why they should be coming to the gym.
As such, an educational workflow works well. This can include anything from why you’re doing the current squat cycle or providing some beneficial nutrition tips. The type of content doesn’t matter as much as the touch point it provides to motivate them to show up.
5. Birthdays And Anniversaries.
Automated birthday or gym anniversary messages can hit your members right in the feels.
Oftentimes, gym owners set PushPress Grow notifications to alert them when it’s a members birthday or anniversary. The idea is that they’ll reach out manually to send a celebration text.
But Rocha explained that this can be automated. With an automated workflow, Grow can fire off a celebration text without the gym owner needing to do anything.
“It takes two minutes to create a birthday message and then it can go out to everyone on their birthdays,” Rocha said.

Of course, since Grow is fully customizable, you also have the opportunity to send a more personalized birthday or anniversary text. So you can tell that one member that their first year has flown by. That you remember when they couldn’t squat to depth and how you look forward to watching them continue to progress.
Sending acknowledgement to your clients, whether automated or customized, goes a long way in making them feel special. You’re improving client experience, increasing member retention and ultimately, driving revenue as well.
6. Drop-Ins.
With the right automation, drop-ins offer a unique opportunity to benefit the growth of your gym.
Rocha says many gym owners ask drop-ins to leave them a review in person, but it’s easy to forget after they’ve walked out the doors. However, there’s an effective Grow automation that can help with this.
It comes down to timing, he explained.
Immediately after class, an automated text goes out to thank the drop-in for attending. This text also includes a link requesting a review, so drop-ins can share their experience at your gym.
“Catch them when they’re fired up,” Rocha said.
Pro Tip: Curious about how PushPress Grow workflows can help you run your business better? Book a demo with our team today to learn more!
BONUS: Three Tips To Optimize Workflows.
Regardless of the workflow in PushPress Grow, Rocha says there are three keys to get people to act. Whether that’s joining your gym, buying high-ticket gym services or being consistent with attendance, use these tips to help:
1. Text Is Best.
Rocha says that by far, text messaging is “the best way to get people to pull the trigger.”
In fact, according to ManyChat and MarketerHire, the average open rate for text message marketing campaigns is 98%, compared to 20% for email marketing campaigns.
“It’s real dialogue and people respond,” said Rocha.

2. Response Time Is Key.
The minute someone is thinking about taking action, you need to be ready to respond.
For example, imagine a prospective member fills out a form on your website at 9pm on a Monday night. They’re sitting on the coach eating ice cream straight from the tub. When they decide - in that moment - that they need to make a change, your response can’t wait. You can’t respond the next day or 24 hours later.
“You have to catch them the moment they’re ready,” says Rocha. “That will help them pull the trigger.”
3. The 90-Day Rule.
A client’s first 90 days at your gym sets the stage for their entire member experience. Since, for most people, fitness hasn’t yet become a habit, this is the most important time to provide consistent touchpoints. Even though they’ve joined the gym, they might still be feeling somewhat intimidated or overwhelmed.
Rocha recommends making sure your initial 90-day workflows are on point for every client. This will make all the difference to ensure they remain a member for years to come.