When it comes to building community in your gym, there are few things more powerful than the CrossFit Open.
Each year during the Open, we get a special treat as gym owners. We watch our members support each other as they celebrate PRs and firsts of all kinds. It creates a whirlwind of excitement that cannot be easily matched.

But there’s a tricky side effect to this level of excitement. Sometimes, the energy is so contagious that we pour everything we have into these three weeks. Our time, our energy, our money...
It’s not uncommon to experience some level of gym owner burnout after the CrossFit Open. And it’s amplified when we realized we may have actually lost money along the way. After all, printing scoresheets, supplying rolls of floor tape and ordering Friday Night Lights food isn’t cheap.
What if you could emerge from those three weeks having turned a profit? That’s what we’re talking about today! And stay tuned for upcoming blogs in this series, as we discuss how to generate new leads, increase retention and have fun with the CrossFit Open!
Three Ways to Make The CrossFit Open Profitable for Your Gym.
1. Charge Members to Participate.
Yes, we realize this may seem like a “Thank you, Captain Obvious” place to start. But remember, at the end of the day, your time - and your coaching staff’s time - is finite. You must pick and choose the places that you expend your energy. Which means you don’t have to offer an intramural CrossFit Open for your members. Because you’re choosing to - and also choosing to make it an amazing experience - you have every right to charge for it.
Ultimately, you’re providing more value for your members. Consider this: If you started offering a nutrition coaching program at your gym, would your members expect it to be free? No, because they realize that they’re paying for your time and energy. The value comes from the experience they get in return.

If you’re hesitant to charge members at first, start small. Charge $30 to $40 for a three-week entry and deliver a memorable experience. Next year, raise the rate to $50. Or consider a higher amount like $100 that includes food after each week’s workout. It all comes down to perceived value. Charge an amount that correlates to the value you’re providing.
2. Promote Programming and Coaching.
When you think about selling programming for the CrossFit Open, have you historically offered options in December and January? While this can be useful, an even better option is to promote individualized programming right after The Open.
There are two reasons for this. First, the truth is that preparing for The Open doesn’t just happen in the weeks leading up to it. It happens when members put in a consistent effort throughout the entire year. And second, The Open often highlights the areas that someone can improve, and skills they can work on, as they look toward next year’s Open.
So why not capitalize on that direction, and your members’ post-Open goals? You can use it as a time to offer programming and coaching to guide and motivate your members.
Pro Tip: Create an automated workflow in PushPress Grow to promote programming and coaching options to members. Want to learn more? Book a demo with our team today!
Remember, when it comes to goals, tracking workouts and progress is the key. Now that PushPress Core and Train are merged into one app, it’s even easier for your members to track important performance data.
3. Sell Merchandise.
The CrossFit Open is a unique time of year for selling merchandise, but that’s not just limited to apparel.

Apparel is often the go-to choice, and it’s definitely a great option to increase gym revenue. We recommend making it easy on yourself by working with a company like Forever Fierce. They work with gym owners around the world, and can help you give your members gear they’ll love to rep. Plus, you can even create apparel pre-orders in PushPress Core.
But don’t stop there. The Open is a great chance to educate your members on the benefits of supplements and recovery options. Your community will be hyper-f0cused for these three weeks on maximizing their performance. So why not show them them how things like protein, creatine and a foam roller can help?
Pro Tip: Now that store app functionality is live in the PushPress Staff App, it’s even easier for your members to purchase items! Want to learn more? Book a demo with our team today!
In Summary: Have Fun and Make Money with The Open.
The CrossFit Open is a magical time of year for your members, coaches and business. There are three ways you can burnout, and being in the red, after these three weeks. First, charge your members to participate. Second, promote programming and coaching options. And finally, sell merchandise like apparel, supplements and recovery options. That way, you’ll emerge from The Open with a community of motivated members and some extra revenue in your pocket.