Chris McDermott opened Cryptid CrossFit in Kalamazoo, MI in 2022. From the start, his sights were set on member retention and a strong, happy gym community. And he was going to do it by prioritizing attendance and commitment over competition.
“I was working at a gym years ago that had a Committed Club,” he said. “So that was something that was really important to me.”
McDermott started with a minimum of 10 gym member check-ins per month. Anyone who attended the gym at least 10 times in a month would get inducted into the Committed Club. The bar has since been raised to 14.

In addition to recognition for being part of the club, members also get a custom-made pin each month. Pins are never repeated, so if someone doesn’t get to 14 visits, they’ve missed their chance. McDermott says it’s created a culture of commitment and proves to be a “really good incentive” to hit the goal.
Increased member retention is an incredibly beneficial side effect of the Committed Club. Each month, anywhere from 50 to 60 percent of Cryptid CrossFit members hit the goal. And this goes a long way in reducing member churn.
“When someone hits the Committed Club, there’s little risk of them quitting the next month,” McDermott said.
The Importance of Member Retention Data.
Just like a barbell, data doesn't lie. For gym owners, it’s crucial to track important gym metrics related to lead generation, revenue and member retention.
In regard to check-ins, PushPress data shows that 12 per month is the sweet spot. When a member checks in at least 12 times, there’s only a two percent chance of them churning the following month. Anything below 12 increases the chances of them quitting. In fact, data shows that if a member checks in only one time in a month, there’s a 20 percent chance they’ll cancel the next month.
For McDermott, the check-in feature in PushPress Core is how he tracks his Committed Club. Further, the check-in data allows him to see drops in attendance. When he sees someone at risk, he reaches out to see how he can help.

“With recurring Committed Club members, once we’re mid-month, if they haven’t hit a certain number of attendances yet, I’ll reach out to them to see what we can do to make help them hit their fourteen check-ins,” McDermott said.
He added that a simple text is often enough motivation to get them back to the gym and into the Committed Club. This keeps his members accountable and member retention high.
Heads up: The PushPress team is working on plans to unveil the all-new Committed Club feature later this year! Stay tuned for more information on this powerful new option to help you increase member retention and create the ultimate member experience in your gym.
How “PushPress Simplifies it All.”
McDermott is adamant that PushPress has been an integral part of helping his business grow. He believes that his gym is significantly further along than it would be without PushPress.
First, he said he’s been able to consolidate the number of systems he uses to manage his gym. Prior to PushPress, he used another system for texting members, and one more as a gym CRM. But he’s since been able to cancel both, saving him time as well as money.
“PushPress simplifies it all and makes it easier to run the business,” McDermott said.
Second, not only has his member retention improved through the Committed Club, he noted that PushPress Grow has helped immensely with leads. From generation to nurture, the automated workflows in Grow save him time and hassle.

“Grow takes them from a lead to booking an appointment to coming into the gym for a no sweat intro,” he said. “Having that communication to turn them from a lead into a member is near seamless.”
Pro Tip: Want to learn more about how PushPress can help you with everything from managing your gym to nurturing leads? Book a demo with our team today!
In Summary: The Role of Member Retention in Gym Growth.
When it comes to the long-term success of your gym, member retention is a significant piece of the puzzle. And for Cryptid CrossFit owner Chris McDermott, running a successful Committed Club is an effective way to drive retention.
His action plan is simple. Start by setting the minimum number of visits in order to achieve Committed Club status. Consider adding something fun - like customized pins - that members can also earn. Be sure to track your important gym metrics. And finally, use tools to help you succeed like PushPress Core and Grow.
“I love all the PushPress products,” said McDermott. “I truly believe they make a difference in how we run our business. And more importantly, when we talk to someone from the PushPress team, we always get heartfelt customer support. I would recommend PushPress for a few reasons. The first being it’s a one-stop shop, and the second is that the people at PushPress care. You can tell they care. A lot.”