For many fitness business owners, gym member check-ins are an untapped opportunity to level up. So in a world of abundant data, where so much information can be gleaned from this one simple step, check-ins are a must.
First, here are seven reasons why you should be checking your members in for each visit:
1. Maintaining Churn Report Data.
The Membership Churn Report shows the rate of which your gym members cancel their memberships. Without gym member check-ins, you’ll be unable to predict which members of your community are showing cancellation indicators. Therefore, by simply checking them in, your report will populate with useful data.
2. Celebrating The Wins.
Your gym’s Check-In Report provides month-to-date data and allows you to see overall check-ins as well. This allows you to see when your members hit milestones (i.e. 100 classes). Whether you contact them directly or announce it in the Social Feed, celebrating wins improves member retention.

3. Validating Membership Plans.
The PushPress check-in system is designed to alert a member if there is no active plan available for them. This can happen for many reasons, and can sometimes be as simple as an expired credit card. But without requiring gym member check-ins, neither you or the member would know that there’s an issue.
4. Evaluating Value Per Check-In.
As a gym owner, it’s important to know key pieces of data to continually assess the costs of running your business. When you know the value per check-in, you can decide on things like membership costs and coach pay.
5. Preparing For Attendance Spikes.
Being able to predict busier times, whether in a specific season or even just a busier time of day, is extremely beneficial. The data from gym member check-ins could help you decide to add an extra coach or eliminate a class time. As months and years of data are populated in the Check-In Report, it just becomes more and more valuable over time.
6. Tracking Limited Plans.
For gyms that offer punchcards or limited plans, check-ins are the only option. This may seem obvious but in order to deduct their usable visits from a plan, members have to check in. Unless you want to go the manual punchcard route, circa 1995.
7. Protecting Your Gym From Liability.
In the event that an accident or injury happened, would you know exactly who was in your gym at the time? Gym member check-ins provide definitive evidence of attendance when you need it the most. In addition, check-ins ensure that your gym’s digital documents (i.e. waivers) are signed. If a member tries to check in but hasn’t signed their documents, the system will auto-redirect them to the docs prior to checking in.
How To Make Member Check-In Quick And Easy
So, which check-in method is best for your members and staff? PushPress provides several options for gym member check-ins, so you can decide what works best for your community!
Self Check-In Options
There are two options for members to check themselves in when they arrive at your gym.
- PushPress Staff App in Kiosk Mode: Use a Tablet with the PushPress Staff App to check people in. Simply position an iPad in an easily-accessible place on your front desk. Members can check themselves in by typing their name and selecting class they are attending.
- PushPress Member App: Members can reserve their spot ahead of time in the app from anywhere. Then, when they arrive at the gym, they simply open the app and click “Check In.”

Staff Check-In Options
There are two options for your staff to manage gym member check-ins.
- Control Panel in Core: Your front desk staff can use the Control Panel to check members in through a laptop or desktop computer. They can accomplish this in either the Dashboard Check-In or, under “Schedule” on the Check-Ins page.
- PushPress Staff App: All Staff should download the Staff App from the Apple or Google Play Stores. This gives them the ability to check in all reserved members in just one click. In addition, they can add members who did not reserve a spot in advance, or choose single members to check in.
[Screen image]
BONUS: PushPress Screens App
The PushPress Screens App allows coaches to display check-ins, to verify with just a quick glance that all participants have signed in.
In addition, the Screens App displays birthdays and anniversaries so staff can celebrate member wins while they’re in the gym!

Gym Member Check-Ins Notes:
Here are a few additional things to note about checking your gym members in, and the corresponding data:
- Need step-by-step directions for check-ins? We’ve created a help doc on how to check your members in.
- If a member without a valid plan tries to self-check-in on the iPad, they will not be able to. However, you can manually override this on the Control Panel.
- Even drop-ins should have a plan and be checked in.
- Here’s a quick overview of the PushPress Screens App for your staff.
- Need further assistance? Helping is what we do! Check out the other help docs or reach out through intercom (the little blue box in your Core account). Or you can email us at
In Summary: Check ‘Em In!
There are many reasons why every person working out in your gym should be checked in. From celebrating wins to predicting membership churn to liability, the data can be extremely beneficial. Use the info to help with successfully predicting and planning in your business, daily and into the future.