When it comes to the potential for an influx of new members in your gym, New Years is the GOAT. But fall - and back-to-school - season is the other perfect time. Which presents a great opportunity to dial in your gym marketing and welcome more people into your community.
First, let’s talk about why the fall rush is different. The catalyst is that kids are going back to school, or starting school for the first time. For parents, this often frees up some time that they can spend focusing on themselves and their goals. Others will simply use a structured fall schedule as motivation to get back into a fitness routine.
As a gym owner, you can capitalize on this by tailoring your gym marketing accordingly.

Five Ideas for a Powerful Gym Marketing Plan.
1. Start Early (That Means Now).
If you’ve already started rolling out your fall marketing plan, kudos to you! The earlier in the summer you can begin your fall marketing efforts, the better.
As Blake Ruff, co-owner of LASSO says, the key is to “start early, but be patient.”
Ruff said the goal with your summer gym marketing is to plant the seed for the fall. First, that allows you to build brand awareness over multiple touch points, which most need before they take action. And second, it’s important to be patient, while people consider buying options, then join.
Ultimately, timing is everything. If you’re planning to launch a new program or membership promotion, consider the timing first. For example, let’s say you’re going to offer an epic promo on your gym onboarding program, only available for one week. Make sure it’s not the same week that kids are going back to school, and parents’ attention is focused elsewhere.
2. Launch and Market New Programs.
Speaking of launching new programs as part of your gym marketing strategy, the fall season might just be the perfect time. Whether you’re selling them as add-on services or selling hybrid memberships, the “fresh start” feeling in fall lends itself to members wanting to try new things.
Here are a few ideas to consider:
- Nutrition coaching. The perfect pairing for fitness, nutrition coaching is an effective option to help members achieve results even faster. Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition, said, “As summer is winding down and kids are going back to school, parents are ready to get back on track with their health and wellness goals.”
- Personal training and individual design. For those who attend classes consistently and want to level up their training, personal training and individual design can help with accountability and specific skills. For your gym marketing, these programs will help to generate organic content as you showcase success stories.
- Kids and teens programs. Yes, it might seem counterintuitive during the busy schedules of the back-to-school season. But as Jeff and Mikki Martin, founders of The Brand X Method® know, fall is the perfect time to launch a youth fitness program. First, the structure of the fall schedule will help to keep them on track. And second, it’s a perfect opportunity to help them gain self-confidence and motivation.

3. Consider Paid Ads in Your Gym Marketing Strategy.
As we’ve said before, organic and paid marketing are the one-two punch for your gym marketing strategy. When done well, they both have the ability to bring in a plethora of new leads.
If you’re considering paid ads for your fall marketing, here are four quick tips from the pros:
- Highlight the solution(s) you provide. Instead of looking at ads as a way to sell a membership, think of it as showing people the solutions you have for their pain points. One great way to do this is by showcasing the real-life success stories of your members.
- Choose your images carefully. Think about the target audience you’re trying to attract. Then show images of those people doing achievable movements. For example, if you’re aiming for stay-at-home moms, avoid images of jacked dudes doing muscle-ups.
- You don’t have to include a discount. Most of the time, offering cheap or discounted offers will bring in the wrong clientele. You want people looking to commit to their health, and be willing to invest accordingly. So instead, think about focusing your gym marketing message on giving someone the chance to regain the fitness they had as a young adult.
- Create a clear CTA (call to action). Don’t make prospective members jump through hoops to find out more about your gym. Give them one, incredibly easy step to get started. Whether that’s booking a free intro or requesting pricing, make it a one-click process.
4. Don’t Forget Your Former Members and Cold Leads.
It’s a great feeling when a former member decides to join your gym again. They already understand what to expect, what the culture is like, etc. And they want to be a part of it again.
So after someone leaves, don’t let that be the end of the relationship. Fall is the perfect time to reconnect because, like everyone else, they might be looking to reestablish a fitness routine.
Your communication doesn’t have to be sales-focused at all. Sure, you can let them know about current membership offers or new programs. But consider messaging that checks in on how they’re doing and what they need right now. Add a personal touch to reminds them that you still remember details about their experience at your gym. For example:
“Hey John! The 4:30pm class at [your gym name] has missed having you in class. How has your fitness plan been going since you were here last? We’d love to hear from you!”

5. Save Time with the Power of Automation.
When it comes to your entire fall gym marketing plan, automated workflows in a gym CRM like PushPress Grow takes the work off your plate. Workflows can be set up to check in with each lead - warm or cold - on an appropriate cadence.
You can create your own workflows or use the ones that are already created. The pre-made workflows are proven to do everything from guide new leads to book an appointment or pique the interest of former gym members. Plus, you can even customize the messaging with your gym’s brand voice.
Pro Tip: Want to learn more about how PushPress Grow can help you re-engage former members? Book a demo with our team today!
In Summary: Fall is the Perfect Time for Gym Marketing Opportunities
If you haven’t rolled out your fall gym marketing strategy yet, today’s the day to start. It’s time to plant the seed for the back-to-school season and help people reestablish routines. It’s also the perfect opportunity to launch new programs or services in your gym.
As you look at options to spread the word, consider paid ads to complement your organic marketing. Also, reach out to former members to check in and explore options for getting them to rejoin. And finally, use the power of automation to save time with proven workflows.
Combining these ideas should set your fitness business up for a successful fall season, and beyond.