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Creating an Unforgettable Member Experience for your Gym

Creating an Unforgettable Member Experience for your Gym
There's a specific set of skills, aside from coaching, that can help gym owners grow their fitness business. How many of these ten skills do you possess?

If you’re like most gym owners, you opened your fitness business to help people get fitter and change lives. Therefore, coaching and connection probably come easy to you. On the other hand, the business side of things is where a lot of gym owners tell us they could use some help.

Great news! You’re not alone. As a group of gym owners ourselves, the PushPress team knows the ups and downs of #ThatGymOwnerLife. And that’s why we’ve made it our mission to help other owners with the tools and skills they need to succeed.

Valuable gym owners skillsets
How many of the top ten gym owners’ skillsets do you possess to help you grow your fitness business?

Today, we’re talking about the valuable skillsets to develop as you progress through the phases of running your business. Whether you possess one, two or all ten of these skills, there’s always room to continue dialing them in as your gym grows.

The Top Ten Skills for Gym Owners to Cultivate.

Here are ten skills for gym owners to work on developing as the business evolves:

1. Fitness Industry Knowledge.

While it may seem obvious to have a solid understanding of the fitness industry, many gym owners tend to overlook this crucial step as time passes. When you first thought about opening a gym, you probably spent a significant amount of time doing market research. You learned everything from industry trends and best practices to your competitors’ pricing and what equipment to purchase.

Now, it’s important to stay on top of that information. Continue to educate yourself on things like the latest fitness trends, health and safety regulations, etc. This will allow you to evolve as you grow, and remain a leader in the fitness space.

2. Digital Marketing.

As many gym owners can attest, digital marketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to attract prospective members.

Therefore, developing your digital marketing strategy should be a priority. This strategy should include SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing, email campaigns, social media, blogs and more. Deploying your unique combination of digital marketing can help with increasing gym revenue and retention.

3. Content Creation.

The good news for gym owners is that fitness industry is an exciting - and often intriguing - industry. Which means developing strong, captivating content is easier than say, selling insurance.

As part of your content plan, strive to produce engaging blogs, videos, gym social media posts, graphics and other materials that resonate with potential clients. The added benefit is that your current gym community will also appreciate content that’s designed to provide valuable info.

Creating valuable social media content
Learning how to create valuable social media content can set your gym apart. (Phot credit: Saddle Up CrossFit)

4. Social Media Management.

Speaking of social media, it’s one of the most underutilized, but biggest areas of opportunity for most gym owners. Start by understanding how to optimize all of your gym’s social channels. Next, learn to speak natively on each platform to create engaging posts. Then, you can use analytics to measure data and improve performance.

And did you know that you can even automate your gym’s social posts? The Social Planner feature in PushPress Grow is designed to save you time by automating your social content.

5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Having a solid gym CRM is a game-changer for gym owners. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, and the ultimate goal should be to create an unparalleled experience for your members and leads.

By managing your relationship with them properly, you’ll set your brand apart. You’ll also increase conversions and sales, and leave people wondering if you’re actually a superhero without a cape.

Pro Tip: Want to learn more about how a gym CRM can save you time, and increase leads and conversions? Book a demo with the PushPress Grow team today

6. Data Analysis.

The key to improvement is knowing what needs to be improved. It’s the same reason you tell your gym members to track their workouts and progress. By analyzing what’s working - and what’s not - you can make improvements over time.

Therefore, one of the critical skills for gym owners to possess is data analysis for key gym metrics. When you can assess the performance of things like marketing campaigns, member engagement and revenue growth, you can use it to make data-driven decisions.

7. Website Management.

Think of your website as the public face of your gym online. These days, it’s not enough for gym owners to just have a website. It needs to be user-friendly, informative and - most importantly - optimized for search engines.

Search engine optimized gym website
Designing a search-engine optimized gym website will help with lead generation and sales conversions.

Take the time to go through your website and make relevant updates. Then refresh your content with things like upcoming events and new gym blogs. And don’t forget, PushPress Grow gives you a fully-optimized website designed with lead generation in mind.

8. Community Building.

The great thing about a strong gym community is that it can be curated from the top down. Which means that gym owners can lead from the front in creating a unique culture and atmosphere.

And yes, this is a learned skill! You can learn how to foster a sense of community within your gym through member events, challenges and engagement initiatives. Subsequently, you’ll likely increase gym retention numbers as well.

9. Sales and Customer Service.

Oftentimes, when gym owners hear the word “sales,” there’s a less-than-enthusiastic response. But the great news is that both sales and customer service fall under the same umbrella: Finding solutions to help your members.

When you take a help-first mentality with selling gym memberships, you’ll find you don’t have to convince people to buy anything. You’re simply listening to their needs and finding a solution that matches.

10. Crisis Management.

There’s never a bad time to be fully prepared. And crisis management doesn’t always have to be a straight-up emergency. It simply refers to your ability to handle unexpected situations with professionalism and efficiency. Examples include everything from equipment malfunctions and member complaints to safety incidents. Being prepared is a learned skill, so that gym owners can rest assured that they’re ready to tackle what each day brings.

gym growth
gym owner
gym marketing
help first

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