Beyond Affiliate Programming

Why Choose Beyond Strength & Endurance?
- A consistent class experience. Classes shouldn’t run over or only have eight minutes of work. Programming too much volume or not enough movement time is unacceptable.
- Balance in training. Every day, every week, every training cycle should be on purpose and have a progression. Plus, mix and match with two track options: CrossFit (all things “CrossFitty”) and Strength & Endurance (no high-skill gymnastics or Olympic lifting)
- Better member results. Programming for longevity means fitter members with less injuries. We’re not trying to wreck people. Your gym grows when you have happy members.
- Creativity and fun. Training should be fun! Want your members to be consistent and tell all their friends? Creative scaling options and logistics create a kick-ass class experience.
- Better coaching experience. Help your team fall in love with coaching again. GTFOH with “extensive coaches notes.” Nobody reads those novels. With Beyond, you’ll get only what you need to know to lead effective classes.
- The “Cool Kids Club” perks. Beyond has fun perks like an accessory store, workout vault, travel WODs, athlete levels, gym posters and more. Because at Beyond, you’re a VIP. And VIPs get perks.
With Beyond Affiliate x PushPress

Why Beyond Affiliate Gyms Love Train
Easy Member Workout Tracking
The Train Mobile App makes it easy for your members to log their workouts, review past results and post comments or ask questions all from inside the app!
Built-in Community Engagement Tools
With beautifully designed TV screens powered by a $40 Amazon Fire Stick, you can keep an eye on all members that booked a class without referring to your computer.
Track Workout Performance
Keep track of all leads and clients that you're responsible for in one dashboard. PushPress allows you to set custom appointments for personal training depending on your availability and requirements.
Stop Using Systems That Hold You Back
Don't let your workout tracking system limit you. Your gym is unique. Your members are unique. The workout tracking system you use shouldn't hold you back.
Integrated Session Plans and Workouts
Beyond Affiliate workouts and session plans are automatically loaded into your Train account, saving you time and letting you get back to coaching.
Lead With Data
Know exactly how each member is performing by analyzing workout data to lead them closer to their fitness goals
Create An Experience They Will Love
Add emojis, pictures, or videos to their workouts or inside group chats to celebrate your members and give them an experience they will love.
What are you waiting for?

Got Questions? We’ve got answers.
Yes! With the Beyond Affiliate x Train integration, Beyond Affiliate Programming and session planning will automatically be uploaded to your Train account each week and you'll have the power of Train workout tracking at your fingertips!
Yes. We've focused a lot of effort into building a really strong integration between PushPress Core and Train. But if you are an Online Trainer, book a demo and we'll help you figure out if Train is a good fit!
Just click the link above to log into your Train account, and you can start accessing Beyond in minutes!
No setup fee
No. Nada. We're not fans of contracts. We only create products we know our gyms will see value from.
Yes, when you are ready you can turn on the member sync and sync members between platforms.
Six days per week, including Monday through Saturday. We believe in rest days, and full or active recovery. Sunday is a great day to make up a workout you missed during the week or do some accessory work.
Monthly videos, podcast episodes, blogs and more to help your coaches improve their skills and provide a kick-ass class experience.
We offer a 14-day free trial period to check out our programming that's automatically applied when you sign up for your account!
No one needs pages and pages of coaching notes or a video version of those exact same notes. At Beyond, we believe class notes should deliver only the imperative information, so coaches understand what they’re trying to help athletes accomplish, and how to make it flow in class. Everything else will come through coaches’ education.
You can check out everything you get through our Hybrid (CrossFit) Training and Strength & Endurance tracks from Beyond Affiliate programming on our website.